The check up in spring

Böckmann recommends a spring check for all trailers.

Whether it's a horse, livestock or car trailer, regular maintenance and inspection is crucial in order to enjoy the trailer for a long time.

In addition to driving safety and value preservation, this also concerns customers' warranty claims. The recommendation is to have the trailer checked by an authorized specialist every 12 months or every 5,000 km.

But especially now, towards spring, it is a good idea to have the trailer checked. For example, before you go to the first tournaments, courses or away training courses with the horse trailer, you should make sure that standing for long periods in the winter has not had any negative effects. But this doesn’t just apply to horse trailers. It also makes sense to check car trailers that are parked in the garden or forest before being used for the first time, or livestock trailers that bring the cattle back to the pastures.

It is particularly important to check tires, brakes and Bowden cables, the parking brake, the drawbar, clutch and, depending on the model, for example the windows and seals.

Customers can contact one of our Böckmann dealers for the spring check, make an appointment and then start the new season safely.